alright NEW DUKES RULES AR UP FOR THE 2018 SEASON AT SPEEDWAY MIRAMICHI.just clik on the rules tab then dukes rule hope to see pictures as they are being built .
July 27, 2017
Admision prices drop for everyone!!!!
Speedway miramichi is happy to announce that we have seen a great turnout of fans since we have introduced the family package and because of this we are also going to reduce gate prices for everyone else as well!New prices are as follows:Adults $13 Youth 8 years old up to 17 years old is now $7 and as always children 7 years old and under are free, Pit prices have also dropped to $15 and all prices are tax included.We have also changed our demolition build rules to allow for mini vans and 1/4 ton trucks to be used with the cars to help make it easier to build a bigger car count for the demo class!! Can not wait to see everyone there at the next event Aug 12th
July 27, 2017
New Family pricing package!!!!!!!!
Speedway Miramichi would like to make it possible for more people to enjoy events at the Speedway.
In an attempt to offer more affordable pricing we are introducing a new Family price package for $35 HST included for a family of 4 (2 adults and 2 youth) for a total savings of $22.50. The cost for each additional child (youth age) to this package will now only be $5 per child. In addition to the family pricing, we are also going to offer a Senior's rate of $11.50 HST included for a total savings of $5.75. (Please note that these new packages and pricing are applicable to grandstand admissions only. Thank You)
March 29, 2017
Speedway Miramichi and Chase The Racecars Fundraising join together again to host the 2nd Annual Show & Shine event in support of the IWK Foundation. July 29th is the BIG day that we welcome ALL TYPES of vehicles to enjoy some family fun. There will be bouncy castles, Music, Games, Prizes and a Special Presentation to give our Junior Judges a chance to tell their story at 3:30pm and a BURNOUT COMPETITION at 6pm. Find out more details by clicking the link below!!!
March 15, 2017
2017 Event Calendar now up!!
Our 2017 Schedule is now finished and posted here and we look forward to a exciting season full of fun and new events.
We will be Having our Run what you brung class this year again and rule to build will be up soon.This class is meant to be a affordable fun class that can be enjoyed by all!!! Demo rules are going to be refined and up shortly as well with no major changes just minor details to help keep everyone safe!
We are Still working on having a demo this winter and will post a date soon.Please share the new schedule and let the spring fever start spreading!!!!!
August 27, 2016
Aug 27th Starting at 6pm Back to School bash will be a old school final demo with all racing action first and demo action to follow.Retun of the fastest lap comp Only the first 10 cars registered.Street cars only each gets a warm up lap then the second lap will be timmed with the fastest lap winning $100.00 cash please bring a helmet.
August 13, 2016
August 13th will be our childrens wish foundation fundrasing event with racing to follow
August 13th will bring a full day of fun for the whole family with the first annual all types show and shine car show in Queen Elizabeth park (Town Square Newcastle) as well as jumping castles and music from 9 am to 2 pm to help raise money for the Childrens wish foundation in conjuction with Chase the Race cars.Then we head to the track to continue the fun with THE DAY OF 8,s demo action and racing.Classes will include AOW,STREET STOCK,4 CYL,and any more.Some demo races include reverse race ,dash 4 cash, tire race Figure 8 final,and more.Please come out for a fun day and help support this great cause.
July 16, 2016
July 16th will bring Racing and Demo back together again!!!
In a effort to provide the best entertainment in miramichi and surronding areas we are putting the racing and Demo back together.The next event will be held on July 16th with the Rock and Wreck Demo as well as the Atlantic Modified Tour,4Cyl,Mini Cup and Street Stock Action.Thank you to all for the support and patience as we go through these scheduale changes.Also a side note because of lack of interest the femal demo class will no longer exist but all femals interested are more than welcome to run with the mens division as it has been in the past.We will also be bringing back the powder puff race.Dukes class will be looked at shortly to see if we can improve car counts in some way.
June 14, 2016
June 18 Event CANCELLED until further notice!!
Just to let all Drivers and fans know that the June 18th race weekend will be cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.With only a field of open wheel and Mini stock(4cyl)able to confirm a good car count we want to apologize for the cancellation but can not give the fans the entertainment they deserve with only two classes.We are working with other classes to try and build a bigger field of cars and the next event will be held on July 16th with start time to be announced. When the car counts rise we will look at adding a race to make this one up.Thank you to everyone for you patience and support as we try to offer the best entertainment we possibly can. Our schedule will be changing in the coming weeks so please keep checking our website and Facebook page.
May 03, 2016
Speedway Miramichi and Chase The Racecars join together to support McHappy Day
Speedway Miramichi has got the ENFORCER up and running and will be revealing it tomorrow while supporting McHappy Day!!!
If you are in Dieppe tomorrow, take a moment to stop by Mcdonalds on Paul Street from 9am-1pm to see some of the Chase The Racecars team with their little Mini Cup Truck #16 (ACE).
So come and support a great cause!!! Proceeds will be given to the Ronald McDonald House's all over Canada.
Keep watching for all of your latest updates on racing, demolition and fundraising events at
Speedway Miramichi!!